Do you know why with microwave vacuum drying our wood is one of the best in the world?!
ICC (Industrial and construction company) MG-GROUP is a company operating in the market of wooden house construction for more than 15 years, producing a dry profiled log with a cross section of 140x185, 185x185, 185x140, 230x185 mm. And other non-standard dimensions that fit within the framework of the section 250 * 300 mm, as well as a dry rounded log with a diameter of 180 mm. up to 400 mm. for wooden houses. The company offers wall material for wooden house building with humidity up to 10%, so natural humidity.
The company provides a complete list of works on the construction of “key ready” houses made of wood. We produce foundation works, installation of house kits and roofing, engineering networks and finishing works. The enterprise was founded in 2001. The production is located in the city of Kazan on the Visstanie street 100, on the territory of Technopolis "Himgrad." ICC MG-GROUP produces the following products of wooden housing construction:
The enterprise develops, carrying out continuous modernization processes, introducing newest technologies in wood working. At the enterprise it is introduced the unique technology of SHF-vacuum drying of wood of large section. This is an innovative and efficient technology of wood drying, thanks to which a completely new material is brought to the market - a dry massive profiled log and a rounded log from a solid mass of moisture up to 10%. This revolutionary drying method makes it possible to produce a wall material - DRY MASSIVE PROFILEDED LOG,which, according to its consumer properties and quality, came very close to the glued beam, and in some respects surpassed it. The cardinal difference between our technology and the others is that the heating of wood occurs from the inside, and not from the outside, due to the physical effect on the wood of two factors - SHF waves and vacuum. SHF warm the wood from the core, and the vacuum makes it possible to convert water into steam capillaries at temperatures below 100 degrees. There is no need to strongly heat the tree, since strong heating leads to deformations and the creation of internal stresses as a consequence of the formation of large cracks. At the output, we get a dry bar with minimal cracks and removed internal stresses. Do you want to build a house of dry wood using this technology? Please contact the ICC MG-GROUP Kazan. At the moment there are only 3 enterprises in Russia with this technology. This technology of wood drying has undeniable advantages over the widespread conventional drying methods - convection, aerodynamic, press-vacuum, vacuum. Do you want to build a house from a real dry profiled log or rounded logs – choose SHF-vacuum drying technology.
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